Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Being ALONE... Being ME at 45

Have always heard stories of individuals stepping out into the big bad world when they turn early 20s and have always thought to myself, how does it work? What makes a parent let them to do that, what makes them to choose to face the uncertainty willingly? Who in their sane minds would choose all those difficulties? I remember sitting with Dad in my early 20s, married, with kids but still the young mind wanting answers, asking daddy, why would anybody do that? he would tell me, that the world is anyway, uncertain in every way, there are uncertainty in which ever life we live, so, when someone walks out, they just choose to take a different set of uncertainties for themselves, but I did not believe him then, I laughed at him. I was certain of my life, I was married, happily married, as I think back, with kids, with protective parents, I knew how my life would turn out to be, at least I thought I knew....

Decades past, here I am today writing this blog, writing these thoughts out on paper for the world, for all of you who know me and see me as to what I am, I am 45, I am super ambitious, I am no less than a 25 when it comes to going out there and having fun and making the best of life, I have 3 individuals in my life who are suppose to be my kids but in actual are my guides, my teachers, my motivators and surely my friends, I have 4 BFFs, I have around 40+ close friends, I have around 600+ strong followers who look up to me for every business decision they take and I have around a minimum off 10000 friends and connects who enjoy my existence, yet, I feel the uncertainty in me as I stand in my life at 45, ALONE; thus fearful, nervous and surely sad.

Why is the word, ALONE related to all the negative feelings?? Fearful, Nervous, Sad.. It should not be. ALONE... Means ME, when I see ME, I see so many great people, things, dreams which I have achieved, so who has implanted in us from our childhood that being ALONE, has to be so negative...

So, walking the path in my life, ALONE at 45, I am a PROUD Woman, I am a SUCCESSFUL woman, I am ME....

Love you all for being a part of my journey in finding ME.... 

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