Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Brand Association OR Brand Trust

When we set out to organise events, the first thought which crosses our minds is, will we bring the brand associations for the event, enough for us to be able to take the costs of the event and handle the logistics?

The fact of the story is, that it is never about associations, its about the BRAND TRUST...


Just like every startup has its trusted early users, in any event planning, budgeting, outreach & execution, the only motivation for any organiser is the early sponsors & partners who come forward to join with us. There is no clarity on the number of foot falls at the event, there is no clear Agenda to the event, there is no mention of the speakers, there is nothing, yet, they come forward to join with us for the event, then, what is this? what kind of association would you ever call this? This is nothing but a pure example of BRAND TRUST.

Taking forward this BRAND TRUST, I would like to share brands and their stories who showed to us, what matters is just trust and nothing more for our annual event under Startups Club DemoDay2015 on August 8th & 9th, just a week away...

Lets start with our Event Partners, Ignitus World founded by Anjali & Sarath, driven by pure passion but what stands out very clearly is the ability to adopt an event of their client's as if it was their very own. Taking up every challenge with an intention to bring about a solution for the same. They have in a very little time taken up weddings, corporate events, personal events & launches. But the fact they stood by us from the day they have known us and were very soon able to close on one of our key note speakers, motivated us to move ahead in bringing some of the best line of speakers and panel members.

One brand which just makes me go nostalgic is MyBabyCart headed by Mridula, one of the seasoned members of Startups Club, feels like just yesterday she had visited one of our meetings at Mr. Beans in Koramangala and shared with us on how she intends to start her own portal specially for women entrepreneurs, I remember she had shared "I will not give up, coz my last venture did not do well, learning from those mistakes, I will surely make it this time" those words mean so strong now, because she does not only successfully support many women entrepreneurs by posting their products on her platform but also has made a strong community of Women Entrepreneurs under Mompreneurs and conducts meetings every quarter and has a strong trust which has been built. One mail to Mridula, ensured her partnering with me, if this is not BRAND TRUST, what is??

Finally, last but not the least, a short and sweet story for all of you. I was going through a regular meet one morning, I get a call from a Facebook connect asking me if she was late for the meetup, I tell her that she is, but she must come over, as I get to see her in person and she agrees. Post 15 minutes she walks in, a young entrepreneur, excited and nervous and that moment, my life just became sweeter than I ever thought it could be. She, Priya, founder of KrispandCrumbls makes some of the world's most tasty chocolates and loves exploring with her skills. It has been some 8 months, but it feels like a life time we know each other. All my Club's gifting solutions is without doubt Priya's responsibility and she also makes some really beautiful gift packs as per our very own budgets. Once again coming as our trusted Gifting Partners. Taste it to understand...

With these three beautiful stories, can I confidently come to conclude that Brand Association can be created only if BRAND TRUST exists... Go out and build your trusted associations... without an ounce of fear in you... You never know, who your next title sponsor would be...

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