Meeting around 100 startups on weekly basis, one question which always haunted me was, Why do Startups measure how much they speak? What stops them from talking about what is theirs after all?
Reasons, understood, through some close interactions, some heated discussions, some through understanding their actions and some through long late night discussions with entrepreneurs who have become close friends with time.. I have to warn you, because if you are a person who does not respect other's opinions, it is now time for you to close this blog now...
Lets start with the REASONS....
1. They are just reasons, entrepreneurs love giving reasons all the time...
2. Fear failure, failure of getting what they actually are looking for, fear of faulting, fearing others to copy what they have created. If its yours, why fear, if its not, why do it? Plain and simple FEAR..
3. Expecting the whole world to be able to do it for them. Thanks to the growing eco-system of startups, every category of work which a Startup needs to do is converted into a business model and for some reason most of the startups feel that, that service provider will take care of their talking. If the startup themselves don't talk, then how in the world can they expect others too.
Finally, Startups talk.. they surely do.. but they talk less and what little talk they do is surely not what will bring them to what they are looking for.. Don't fear mistakes, MISTAKES, make you what you will be tomorrow, it will teach you to do exactly the opposite to the time when you failed by your mistakes, so you will surely succeed...
So.. talk.. let the whole world be.. U JUST TALK.. & WATCH THE FUN..
Good One. Keep them coming.