Sat down to write after watching the movie BRAVE. Trying to recollect all the incidents, characters, names, incidents and people who have been brave after all. Let me see....
- I put myself first, after all I am an Indian.. its in my blood, it will always be me first... I think I am BRAVE to start a week with a Movie at 10 am on Monday, a week filled with workloads, pending bills, loaded expectations and a never ending process of BD at work.
- BRAVE is Mahi - the 4 year old who fell the bore well some 80 hours back and came to fame with media taking a good bite of the news to raise their TRPs. I think she was really BRAVE for her age to be alive for 6 hours post her fall, if me in her place, I'm out the very next minute, not by physical hurt but just the thought that I fell into that hole. Add to it all, the parents are all out blaming the authorities and politicians, army, workers, neighbors, media and all who tried getting their child out for not doing a good job. I just have one question for them, why had they not called all this help when they saw that hole open and they knew they had a 4 year old moving around. i remember when we have kids who start crawling around for the first time, the first thing we do is close the plug points and take away sharp items, now, was that hole dug just when Mahi went down to play... mmmmmm.. anyway, to this great effort taken by the parents TOI wants the authorities to give 10 lacs INR to the parents... good good.... so parents be ready to be irresponsible and get paid for it too... anyway, Mahi is my BRAVE for now.
- BRAVE is my son, Faraz, who has diarrhea for a week now and is ensuring he went out with friends every single day and ate junk food for every meal in the day. What can I say, if I have to go according to the parents of Mahi, I need to sue all the brands which advertise their products on the TV for making my son eat their junk food and fall sick. Actually I can earn more this way than working my self off through projects. Imagine if I can sue Mac Donalds, KFC, Pepsi, Coca cola and ITC for bingo etc... wow.. I see myself as a millionaire already...
I'm tired now and am satisfied that I have passed off half of my Monday morning with a movie and blog writing and so, I now try to go get some work done..
- I put myself first, after all I am an Indian.. its in my blood, it will always be me first... I think I am BRAVE to start a week with a Movie at 10 am on Monday, a week filled with workloads, pending bills, loaded expectations and a never ending process of BD at work.
- BRAVE is Mahi - the 4 year old who fell the bore well some 80 hours back and came to fame with media taking a good bite of the news to raise their TRPs. I think she was really BRAVE for her age to be alive for 6 hours post her fall, if me in her place, I'm out the very next minute, not by physical hurt but just the thought that I fell into that hole. Add to it all, the parents are all out blaming the authorities and politicians, army, workers, neighbors, media and all who tried getting their child out for not doing a good job. I just have one question for them, why had they not called all this help when they saw that hole open and they knew they had a 4 year old moving around. i remember when we have kids who start crawling around for the first time, the first thing we do is close the plug points and take away sharp items, now, was that hole dug just when Mahi went down to play... mmmmmm.. anyway, to this great effort taken by the parents TOI wants the authorities to give 10 lacs INR to the parents... good good.... so parents be ready to be irresponsible and get paid for it too... anyway, Mahi is my BRAVE for now.
- BRAVE is my son, Faraz, who has diarrhea for a week now and is ensuring he went out with friends every single day and ate junk food for every meal in the day. What can I say, if I have to go according to the parents of Mahi, I need to sue all the brands which advertise their products on the TV for making my son eat their junk food and fall sick. Actually I can earn more this way than working my self off through projects. Imagine if I can sue Mac Donalds, KFC, Pepsi, Coca cola and ITC for bingo etc... wow.. I see myself as a millionaire already...
I'm tired now and am satisfied that I have passed off half of my Monday morning with a movie and blog writing and so, I now try to go get some work done..
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